Friday, September 7, 2012

America is Just One Annoying Dinner Party

I hate politics, I hate groups of people, I hate public forum, I hate public opinion, and I hate mass hysteria.  The entire country has become a melting pot of everything I loathe as of late because of this little political event happening in November called the Presidential Election.

So fucking annoying.

Call me what you want, but I really hate America during election years.  It's too political, it's too serious, it's too confusing.  "But Alex, the right to vote is one of the greatest rights we have as Americans!" you say.  Yes, I know.  It's right up there with the right to own a gun and marry whoever we want.  Wait.

I hate the presidential race because it brings the idiot out in everyone.  First of all, I'd be very impressed if any of the assholes I haven't defriended from Facebook who keep littering my newsfeed with their political agenda could tell me their candidates' stance on five major issues in this upcoming election.  On second thought, I'd be impressed if any of said morons could tell me what five major issues in this upcoming election are.

I had the pleasure of being a student at IU during the 2008 elections.  By pleasure, I mean I wanted to stab my fucking eyes out listening to everyone ramble on about the reasons McCain should be the next president or why they were voting for Obama.  I know college is an institution of higher learning, but college students are fucking idiots.  If I heard one more person say they were voting for Obama because, "McCain is so old he'll probably die while he's in office," I swore I was going to fucking knife a bitch.  Seriously?!  THAT'S THE MAIN FUCKING REASON YOU'RE ELECTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO LEAD YOUR COUNTRY?!  Since when are you the fucking timekeeper of everyone's life span?  OF ALL OF THE POSSIBLE ANSWERS YOU COULD HAVE PICKED, YOU CHOSE THE AGE OF THE CANDIDATE AS THE BASIS OF YOUR VOTE.

Think about it.

I think it's pretty great that we have the right to choose our leaders.  I think America is kick ass.  I'm proud to live in a country that people die trying to move to because they know that a better life awaits here. Do I think America's perfect?  No, because I live within a day's driving distance from a family that has become a national sensation due to the fact they call their youngest daughter "Honey Boo Boo."  But, do I have enough faith and pride in the US of A that I plan to keep living here?  Yes.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't give a fuck who you're voting for, as long as you actually know why you're voting for the candidate.  Do you understand what this means?  Read.  Check MULTIPLE news sources.  Figure out where you are in your life, and which policies align themselves with a country that would most benefit you.  Figure out which proposed policies and changes are actually realistic.  DO NOT vote for a candidate because you think his wife is hot or because your favorite rap star said so.  DO NOT vote for a candidate "just because."

I truly think that every time an uninformed voter steps into a polling booth and treats the voting ballot as if it's an iPad game, one of our founding fathers rolls over in his grave.  I'm fairly certain that a nation where a candidate can win an election if he or she is endorsed by Russel Brand is hardly the nation the gentlemen who put their lives on the line to sign the Declaration of Independence envisioned.

That being said, I will honestly slap anyone who tries to talk about politics with me in the face.  I don't give a shit what your asinine reasons are, but I truly do hope that everyone who gets their news about the election from Internet memes marks their calendars wrong on election day.  I hate my generation for so many reasons, but I think one of the main ones is people who suddenly become politically savvy three months before an election.

I don't give a fuck who you vote for, as long as you know what they stand for, how that will effect you, and whether or not you have evaluated the candidates' plan of action and it's plausibility.

With that, I would like to leave you with this: