Saturday, October 5, 2013

God Damn it, Miley.

Alright, whatever.  I get it.  Miley's going through her first mid life crisis or something.  I would be on the verge of a mental breakdown too if I'd just lost my super hot Australian fiance and all of my hair.  Come to think of it, I was in a very similar situation a few years ago.  Well, I was in a situation that involved an Australian Jewish poker player getting sent back to Australia after not having the correct documents to get over the Canadian border, and my hair was a lot shorter and blonder, but still.  Potato, vodka.
I'm not trying to pretend that I totally GET Miley, because truthfully, I've never smoked salvia so I can't really relate.  There's also that entire "I'm not from a super rich white trash family and I was never a Disney child star" issue, but that's neither here nor there.
Basically, I understand needing to break out of your shell and shock people.  It must be so unbelievably tiring to be a multi million dollar franchise at the age of 20, especially when you've made your millions by being a pop star among the 11-15 year old set.  I was fine with all of Miley's ridiculous antics;  I could handle her creepy teddy bear fetish.  I was dealing with the foam finger.  I thought we were going to be fine.
And then she fucking did this:
Yup.  That's Miley with photographer/pedophile Terry Richardson.  You know, the guy who's famous for "not roofie-ing" young models/actresses and getting them to show him their tits on camera.  So anyway, she did a (shocker!) controversial photo shoot with him.  I thought it wouldn't be that offensive.  I mean...
Here she is practicing her kissing technique, presumably providing insight as to why the world's 9th hottest actor left her ass.  Fine, I can handle it.
Here she is impersonating a dragon.  Cool.  
This is Miley pretending to be a stoned 11 year old boy who got bored in math class and gave himself tattoos on his fingers with a Sharpie.  Whatever, I can dig it.
Now she's trying to be sexy, but all I can focus on is that monstrosity of a tattoo on her leg.  Oh well.  Not bad.
Oh, here she is trying to SHOCK AND AWE with a suggestively placed aluminum innuendo.  Snooze.


I'm done with her.